1984 Gibson Les Paul "Jimmy Wallace" '58 Reissue




Les Paul "Jimmy Wallace" '58 Reissue


Near Mint

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SKU: 13349


Okay y’all throw out any reason to believe there were any other 1958-9 Les Paul Reissues that were the most accurate & earliest type…let me introduce this 1984 Gibson Les Paul ’58 Reissue by “Jimmy Wallace” made for his shop in Dallas Texas. There were 4 shops making these special ordered Flame Top “Burst” Reissues: The Guitar Trader from New Jersey, Leo’s Guitar Shop from California, Strings & Things Guitars in Tennessee & this Masterpiece made for Jimmy’s shop. It’s the best one we’ve ever encountered for so many reasons. Jimmy hand picked every maple top for his small production. This is the 4th one made from his 2nd run of 25 before Gibson took over making decisions on their own & made it a standard catalog item for any dealer to order. This example was made w/the factories best wood selections & is literally the very 1st accurate ’58-9 Reissues ever produced. The Cherry Sunburst finished maple top has 1 of Gibson’s most incredible tops ever with an unusual combo of deep vertical grain along w/some ridiculous Heavily Quilty Flames all over. Its cherry stain finished back, sides & neck utilized some delicious choice Mahogany. Its a very early example having a fat 1 piece neck a la ’59 w/Gibson’s very 1st small accurate inked on serial #’s. Loaded w/a set of Tim Shaw PAF Reissue pickups along w/Pot Codes dating to the 50th week of 1982. This was the 1st documented Reissues that had a trait like no others afterward having its original Gibson 8-digit serial # stamped on the inside edge of its control cavity (see pics). It also has single ring Kluson Deluxe tuners, all nickel hardware including its ABR-1 Tun-a-Matic bridge, Gold speed knobs & correct cream parts. It’s 100% original & 1 of the ultimate examples. Jimmy even signed the back of the control plate to its last owner verifying its authenticity. She’s near mint & comes in a nice original Brown Tolex/Pink Lined case.